Practical Use
Information on these pages is not intended as individual medical advice and does not substitute the knowledge and judgment by a health care professional. Always seek the advice by a health care professional if any health problems occur and we recommend you to stay under the supervision of a health care professional.
Tachyonized™ materials can rebalance any part of the body. We can use them anytime due to no side effects.
Tachyonized™ material is a permanent antenna of tachyon energy. This helps organism to receive an optimum amount of energy and get balanced again. The use of tachyonized™ products has positive effect for the body without any side effects. Detoxication might occur at the beginning. It is better for us if this procedure is pleasant. We can reach this by temporarily shortened time of using tachyonized™ products.
Organism Regeneration and Physical Performance Increasing
Here you can find some products which you can wear on particular parts of the body.
Smaller parts of the body can be covered with colorful glass cells or siliceous micro discs.
Colored Cell 24 mm - T24
Colored Cell 32 mm - T32
Micro Disk ULTRA 35 mm - T35_MDU
Micro-Disk 28 mm - T28-MD
Micro-Disk 35 mm - T35-MD
Shoulder and inner organs
Colored Cell 24 mm - T24
Colored Cell 32 mm - T32
Micro Disk ULTRA 35 mm - T35_MDU
Micro-Disk 28 mm - T28-MD
Micro-Disk 35 mm - T35-MD
Silica Disk 4 inch - SD-1
Silica Disk 6 inch - SD-6
Ultra Silica Disk 4 inch - SD-1U
Ultra Silica Disk 6 inch - SD-6U
For comfortable wearing we recommend to tape Silica Disks 10/15 cm to the clothes with a paper tape . You can buy paper tape at the pharmacy.
Vitalizer-II Belt - VIT-2
Flex-Cell 100 w/Contour Belt - FC-100
Cover the surface like 3 silica disks diameter 10 cm (SD-1). FlexCell emits 6 times more energy than silica disks do. These parameters compensate price and performance.
Knees, elbows and ankles
You can use elastic cotton band made in different sizes. We can combine them with glass colorful cells and micro discs. We can put these bands on different parts of the body according to the size of the band – forearm, arm, calf, thigh etc.
Hug Knee - HK-XXL
Hug Elbow - HE-XL
Hug Ankle - HA-XL
Colored Cell 24 mm - T24
Colored Cell 32 mm - T32
Micro Disk ULTRA 35 mm - T35_MDU
Micro-Disk 28 mm - T28-MD
Micro-Disk 35 mm - T35-MD
Wrist and forearm
Wrist-Bands Deluxe - WB-DB
Wristbands Long Deluxe - WB-LN
Colored Cell 24 mm - T24
Colored Cell 32 mm - T32
Micro Disk ULTRA 35 mm - T35_MDU
Micro-Disk 28 mm - T28-MD
Micro-Disk 35 mm - T35-MD
Whole body regeneration
Personal Cocoon - TC-1
Personal Cocoon Ultra - TC-U
Sleeping Pad - SP-1
Life-Pad - LP-1
Legs and whole organism empowering
There are many energetic lines (so called meridians) termination on the feet. Meridians are connected with organs and provide them with energy. While wearing insoles there is energy going through meridians in optimum quantity which helps the body to sustain in the harmony. It regenerates legs as well.
Insoles Air Glides - AG-M
Insoles Happy Souls - HS-M
Head, memory, thinking, concentration
Headband Deluxe Stretch - HB-DB
Headband Velcro (black) - HB-VB
Meditation, relaxation
Headband Deluxe Stretch - HB-DB
Headband Velcro (black) - HB-VB
Personal Cocoon - TC-1
Personal Cocoon Ultra - TC-U
Sleeping Pad - SP-1
Life-Pad - LP-1
Meditation Wrap - TMW-C
Eye Mask Deluxe & Ear Plugs - DEM-1
Meditation Mask ULTRA - EM-M
Eye Mask - EM-1
Eye pillow - TP-1
Snuggy - SN-1
Headband Deluxe Stretch - HB-DB
Headband Velcro (black) - HB-VB
Rayon Scarf - SC-55P
Electromagnetic field
Phone Micro-Disk - PC-MD
Cube - CUB-1
Silica Disk 4 inch - SD-1
Silica Disk 6 inch - SD-6
Ultra Silica Disk 4 inch - SD-1U
Ultra Silica Disk 6 inch - SD-6U
Star Dust - TSD-8
Sun Spots - SUN-M
Stones clean-out
Cleaning stones from negative energies is ordinarily done under the running water and they are placed on the sun or moonlight afterwards. Placing the stones in the field from radiating Silica disk or flexible cells Flexcell fastens and makes it easier and deeper cleaning.
Silica Disk 4 inch - SD-1
Silica Disk 6 inch - SD-6
Ultra Silica Disk 4 inch - SD-1U
Ultra Silica Disk 6 inch - SD-6U
Flex-Cell 100 w/Contour Belt - FC-100
Cover the surface like 3 silica disks diameter 10 cm (SD-1). FlexCell emits 6 times more energy than silica disks do. These parameters compensate price and performance.
Ultra Liberty Belt - LB-1 – The strongest tool for daily use, energy flows from both sides
Energetic potential increasing, water and food charging
Water Charger - WC-1
Clear Beveled Cell 75mm - T75-RO
Silica Disk 4 inch - SD-1
Silica Disk 6 inch - SD-6
Ultra Silica Disk 4 inch - SD-1U
Ultra Silica Disk 6 inch - SD-6U
Flex-Cell 100 w/Contour Belt - FC-100
Cover the surface like 3 silica disks diameter 10 cm (SD-1). FlexCell emits 6 times more energy than silica disks do. These parameters compensate price and performance.
Personal growth acceleration
Vortex Pendant – this locket helps to maintain our chakra system vertically. When wearing Vortex Pendant, more energy is flowing through our energetic system. How to keep chakras vertically with Vortex Pendant see Vertical Reality seminars info in News button.