

Tachyon image

Tachyon Energy
Automatic Draw
Tachyonová energie automatickou kresbou

For Therapists and Masseurs

Information on these pages is not intended as individual medical advice and does not substitute the knowledge and judgment by a health care professional. Always seek the advice by a health care professional if any health problems occur and we recommend you to stay under the supervision of a health care professional.

Tachyonized™ tools affect people, animals and plants processes.
• They help to dissolve mental and emotional blockades which cause health problems
• They increase human energetic potential and harmonize energetic system of organism
• They clean energetic imprints of negative emotions

They help a lot to increase performance of therapeutic techniques due to this. Some recommendations how to combine tachyonized™ tools with other techniques you can find below.
Tachyonized™ material is a continuing receiver of tachyon energy. This tool helps organism to receive an optimum amount and quality of energy for getting it back in balance. The use of tachyonized™ products has a positive effect without any side effects. Detoxication might occur at the beginning. So please be particular about that this process is pleasant for you. We can do it by shortening time of using tachyonized™ products.

Before Therapy
The contact between the client and a tachyon material for 20 minutes before starting the procedure will significantly increase the level of energy in subtle bodies and physical body as well. Prerequisites for better therapeutic effect are created this way. Below you can find several options how to do it.
• Stay in Personal Cocoon - TC-1 or Ultra Cocoon - TC-U
We can use it also at the end of therapy for chakra system balancing.
• Relaxation on tachyonized™ Sleep Pad - SP-1
• Covering by Meditatation Wrap - TMW-B
• Sitting on Life-Pad - LP-1
• Relaxation in lying position with  Chakra Balancing Kit - CH-15 placed on 7 basic chakras of the body.
• Relaxation with Eye Pillow - TP-1, Eye Mask - EM-1, or Meditation Mask Ultra - EM-M incites pleasant state of release.

During the Therapy
Genesis of energetic block on the level of subtle bodies predates all health problems. When you apply tachyonized™ materials during the therapy all mental and emotional blocks dissolve. This supports self-healing processes which regenerate body all over. It can also lead to mental, emotional and physical detoxication (laugh, cry, blowing the nose, etc.) The result is a better efficiency of therapeutic techniques.
So called River of Life helps to dissolve mental and emotional blocks significantly. This is the system of two Silica discs, preferably with 15 cm or 10 cm diameter. Silica Disk - SD-1, SD-3, SD-6, SD-63
or Ultra Silica Disk 10/15cm - SD-1U; SD-6U
Place the discs just below the body level in the body axis. The energy flows from head to feet as seen in the picture.

Placing the client on Sleep Pad - SP-1 is next option.
For better client’s relaxation during the therapy use Eye Pillow - TP-1 or Eye Mask - EM-1.

Therapist´s Personal Energy Increasing
Charging of energy – wearing of the following tools on shoulders is recommended.
Silica Disk - SD-6, SD-63 (average 15 cm).
Stick it on the clothes with a paper tape for comfortable wearing. Paper tape can be bought at the pharmacy.
Vitalizer-II Belt - VIT-2
Flex-Cell 100 w/Contour Belt - FC-100
Ultra Liberty Belt - LB-1

Improving of Mental Condition
Deluxe Stretch Headband - HB-DB
Velcro Headband - HB-VB

Boosting up of Tired Hands, Suitable Especially for Masseurs
Wrist-Bands Deluxe - WB-DB
Long Deluxe Wrist-Bands - WB-LN; WB-LP

Boosting up of Tired Feet
Insoles Air-Glides - AG-M, AG-W
Insoles Happy Souls - HS-M, HS-W
Environment Harmonization, Cleaning of Client´s Imprints Remains
Star Dust - TSD-8, TSD-40
Sun Spots - SUN-M

Connection to the Higher Self
Deeper connection with Vortex pendant – locket helps to maintain our chakra system vertically. Flow of the energy in our energetic system and increasing of intuition is the consequence of using Vortex pendant. It is recommended for usage with techniques which work with decomposition of mental blocks, e.g. kinesiology, family constellations, etc. You can learn how to keep chakras vertical on Seminars of Vertical Reality, which is organized by University of Integrated Science in several countries, incl. Slovakia.

Tachyonized™ Tool TLC Bars Crystals Therapeutic Technique
There are therapeutic techniques which work entirely with tachyon tools, e.g. TLC Bars crystals or acupressure sticks. These techniques help body to be balanced on all levels – mental, emotional. physical and spiritual. Some techniques can help you to disclose mental or emotional causes of health disorders. They can help us to understand message, which we receive throughout the disease, i.e. how we should change our life approach or our behavior patterns towards to higher level.  You can learn more about these techniques at the seminar Holistic Wellness Combo. Seminars are held by instructor David Wagner, spiritual teacher, scientist and tachyon process inventor. For more information and dates see News button.